Blu Kecil

Blu Kecil

Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bunda (RSAB) "Harapan Kita" pada awal berdirinya memiliki nama Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bersalin "Harapan Kita" yang keberadaannya merupakan gagasan almarhumah Ibu Tien Soeharto selaku Ibu Negara Republik Indonesia pada saat itu sekaligus Ketua Yayasan Harapan Kita. Gagasan tersebut tercetus berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa ibu yang sehat akan melahirkan anak yang sehat, cerdas dan luhur budi pekertinya, serta akan menjadi generasi penerus yang dapat mengangkat derajat Bangsa Indonesia di masa yang akan datang ketingkat yang lebih baik.

RSAB "Harapan Kita" diresmikan oleh Bapak Soeharto selaku Presiden Republik Indonesia pada tanggal 22 Desember 1979, bertepatan dengan Hari Ibu Nasional. Pada saat itu juga dilakukan penyerahan kepemilikan RSAB "Harapan Kita" dari Ketua Yayasan Harapan Kita kepada pemerintah Republik Indonesia melalui Presiden Republik Indonesia, dengan tujuan agar seluruh aset RSAB "Harapan Kita", baik tanah maupun bangunannya untuk seterusnya akan dimiliki bangsa dan negara Indonesia.

Berdasarkan undang-undang nomer 20 tahun 1997 tentang Penghasilan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) dan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 24/KMK.03/1998 tertanggal 27 Februari 1998 tentang tata cara penggunaan PNBP di bidang pelayanan kesehatan, maka RSAB "Harapan Kita" termasuk salah satu instansi pelayanan yang harus tunduk pada kedua peraturan tersebut.

Selanjutnya, sesuai dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kesehatan tuntutan masyarakat akan pelayanan yang berkualitas maka Pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan untuk mendorong kemandirian di dalam pengelolaan rumah sakit, berupa terbitnya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 tahun 2000 tentang Perusahaan Jawatan, yang memungkinkan perubahan status RSAB "Harapan Kita" dari instansi pengguna PNBP menjadi Perusahaan Jawatan.

Pada tanggal 12 Desember 2000 berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 127 tahun 2000, status RSAB "Harapan Kita" berubah dari satuan kerja instansi pemerintah menjadi badan usaha pelayanan yang secara otonom mengelola instansinya dengan nama Perusahaan jawatan Rumah sakit Anak dan Bersalin "Harapan Kita" atau disingkat Perjan RSAB "Harapan Kita".

Untuk mengembangkan pelayanan rumah sakit dimasa yang akan datang diperlukan perluasan cakupan pelayanan, khususnya dalam pengembangan pelayanan sekunder dan terrier kesehatan ibu, maka berdasarkan keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 271/Menkes/SK/ll/2005 tertanggal 23 Februri 2005 terjadi perubahan nama Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bersalin "Harapan Kita" menjadi Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bunda "Harapan Kita".

Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 23 tahun 2005 tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum (BLU) dan mengacu pada Surat Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 861/Menkes/VI/2005 tertanggal 16 Juni 2005 tentang Perubahan Bentuk Rumah Sakit Perjan, maka Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bunda "Harapan Kita" berubah status lagi menjadi Rumah Sakit Unit Pelaksanaan Teknis (UPT) Departemen Kesehatan yang menerapkan Pola Pengelolaan Keuangan - Badan Layanan Umum yang disingkat dengan PPK - BLU.

Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan HK.01.07 /MENKES/638/2019 tanggal 11 Oct 2019, Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bunda Harapan Kita Jakarta ditetapkan sebagai Pusat Kesehatan lbu dan Anak Nasional

Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang

Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang adalah Pendididkan tinggi negeri milik Kementrian Perhubungan RI dan telah masuk White List di Internasional Maritime Organization tahun 2000. Mengemban tugas mendididk dan melatih pemuda − pemudi lulusan sekolah lanjutan tingakat atas (SLTA) di bidang pelayaran dan kepelabuhanan menjadi PERWIRA PELAYARAN BESAR dan TENAGA AHLI ANGKUTAN LAUT / KEPERLABUHANAN guna memenuhi kebutuhan armada angkutan laut Nasional maupun Internasional. Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang yang sebelumnya bernama BPLP mulai tahun akademik 1995 / 1996 membuka progam diklat kepelautan dan kepelabuhanan Diploma IV berhak diberikan jenjang pendidikan professional. Lulusan Progam Diploma IV berhak diberikan gelar akademik sarjana sains terapan pelayaran di singkat S.S.T.Pel.

Terciptanya kader-kader perwira pelayaran niaga yang andal, profesional dan berbudi pekerti luhur sesuai nilai-nilai Pancasila untuk kemajuan bangsa

Ø memberikan pelayanan pendidikan dan pelatihan pelayaran yang memenuhi standar kualitas nasional maupun internasional;

Ø melaksanakan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam rangka penguasaan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang pelayaran;

Ø melaksanakan tata kelola kelembagaan yang dinamis, transparan dan akuntabel;

Ø memberdayakan dan mengembangkan sarana dan prasarana serta segenap sumber daya lainnya guna menunjang pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi kelembagaan secara efektif dan efisien;

Ø membina hubungan kerjasama dengan berbagai instansi terkait termasuk alumni baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.berikan pelayanan pendidikan dan pelatihan pelayaran yang memenuhi standar kualitas nasional maupun internasional;

Ø melaksanakan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam rangka penguasaan dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang pelayaran;

Ø melaksanakan tata kelola kelembagaan yang dinamis, transparan dan akuntabel;

Ø memberdayakan dan mengembangkan sarana dan prasarana serta segenap sumber daya lainnya guna menunjang pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi kelembagaan secara efektif dan efisien;dan

Ø membina hubungan kerjasama dengan berbagai instansi terkait termasuk alumni baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.

a.Tahun 1951-1955: bernama Sekolah Pelayaran Semarang (SPS), melaksanakan program keahlian MPI (Mualim Pelayaran Interinsuler) dan AMK-IS (Ahli Mesin Kapal Ijazah Sementara/Verlope Diploma) dengan masa studi masing-masing selama 3 tahun (termasuk 1 tahun praktek berlayar);

b.Tahun 1955-1975 : bernama Sekolah Pelayaran Menengah (SPM), melaksanakan program keahlian sama dengan SPS;

c.Tahun 1974-1979: bernama Pendidikan Perwira Pelayaran Besar (P3B), melaksanakan program keahlian MPB III (Mualim Pelayaran Besar Tingkat III) dan AMK-A (Ahli Mesin Kapal Kelas A) dengan masa studi selama 2½ tahun (termasuk 1 tahun praktek berlayar);

d.Tahun 1979-1995: bernama Balai Pendidikan dan Latihan Pelayaran (BPLP) dengan program Strata A (setara Diploma III) bidang keahlian Nautika (MPB III), bidang keahlian Teknika (AMK-A) dan Ketatalaksanaan Angkutan Laut dan Kepelabuhanan (KTK). Masing-masing dengan masa studi 3 tahun termasuk 1 tahun praktek berlayar (untuk Nautika dan Teknika) dan 6 bulan praktek darat (untuk KTK);

e.Tahun 1995-1999: masih bernama BPLP dengan peningkatan program menjadi Diploma IV, dengan masa studi 4 tahun termasuk 1 tahun praktek berlayar (untuk Nautika dan Teknika) dan 1 tahun praktek darat (untuk KALK/KTK). Lulusan berhak menyandang gelar profesional S.ST;

f.Tahun 1999-sekarang : bernama Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran (POLITEKNIK ILMU PELAYARAN) Semarang, tetap melaksanakan program pendidikan Diploma IV, dengan masa studi 4 tahun termasuk 1 tahun praktek laut dan darat;

g.Tahun 2009 : Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran disingkat POLITEKNIK ILMU PELAYARAN merupakan Instansi Pemerintah yang menerapkan Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum dengan status BLU secara penuh. Tugas pokok Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pelaut pada semua jenjang Kompetensi Pelaut berdasarkan STCW 1978 dengan amandemennya.

Program dan Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh POLITEKNIK ILMU PELAYARAN Semarang adalah berupa Jasa Layanan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kepelautan, BLU POLITEKNIK ILMU PELAYARAN Semarang secara garis besar mempunyai 4 (empat) program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan yang mencetak Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) bidang kepelautan dan kepelabuhanan, yaitu meliputi :

1.Layanan Diploma IV (DIV);

2.Layanan Diklat Keterampilan Khusus Pelaut (DKKP);

3.Layanan Penyegaran dan Revalidasi;

4.Layanan Pemutakhiran;

5.Layanan Diklat Pelaut (DP);

6.Layanan Pelatihan Kerjasama pendidikan;

7.Layanan Pelatihan Penyetaraan.

Semua yang kamu mau bisa terwujud satu-satu. #bluBisaGitu

Scan QR buat cobain blu di hp kamu! tersedia di Playstore & Appstore

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Wakil Menteri Koperasi (Wamenkop) Ferry Juliantono mengungkapkan bahwa pihaknya berencana bakal mengembalikan PT Jaminan Kredit Indonesia (Jamkrindo) dan Institut Manajemen Koperasi Indonesia (Ikopin) menjadi BLU Kemenkop.

"Dulunya, Jamkrindo itu milik kita sebagai BLU Kemenkop, sekarang lepas. Kita akan upayakan kembali menjadi BLU kita," kata Wamenkop, lewat keterangannya di Jakarta, Jumat.Dengan begitu, ke depannya, ia bakal mendorong Jamkrindo untuk menjamin pembiayaan-pembiayaan dari koperasi.Terkait Ikopin, Ferry menyatakan bahwa pihaknya sudah melakukan upaya dan mendiskusikan dengan pihak yayasan keluarga Bustanul Arifin, agar menjadi BLU dari Kemenkop."Kita akan kembangkan program-programnya, dan lulusan Ikopin akan dilibatkan sebagai Sarjana Penggerak Koperasi dalam melakukan pendampingan, bimbingan, dan pembinaan kepada koperasi yang ada di seluruh Indonesia agar tidak menjadi koperasi bermasalah," jelasnya.Di samping itu, Kemenkop juga akan melakukan digitalisasi koperasi, sehingga memudahkan untuk membentuk sistem keuangan inklusif dengan di dalamnya mencakup LPDB, KSP, induk KUD, dan induk Kopontren.

"Ini kalau kita integrasikan di dalam satu super apps, bisa menjadikan koperasi bisa cepat memiliki bank koperasi," kata Wamenkop.Dalam satu tahun ke depan, Wamenkop meyakini bakal berdirinya bank koperasi digital untuk menggantikan Bank Bukopin yang sudah lepas, bukan lagi milik koperasi melainkan sudah lepas ke tangan perusahaan Korea Selatan.Bank koperasi digital, nantinya akan banyak membantu operasional pembiayaan koperasi seperti yang dulu dilakukan Bank Bukopin.Ferry juga mengungkapkan bahwa paling lambat Maret 2025 sudah ada UU Perkoperasian yang baru. "UU yang tahun 1992 sudah terlalu lama alias jadul, sudah tidak relevan lagi mengikuti perkembangan koperasi yang ada," ucapnya.Dalam UU Perkoperasian yang baru, lanjutnya, akan ada Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan Koperasi, karena, selama ini, simpanan anggota tidak mendapat jaminan. Sementara di perbankan sudah ada LPS sebagai penjamin simpanan nasabah.Dalam kesempatan yang sama Pelaksana Harian Ketum Dekopin Agung Sudjatmoko sepakat bila koperasi bisa memiliki bank, seperti fungsi Bank Bukopin dulu.

"Saya saksi sejarah lepasnya Bank Bukopin pada 2001-2002 dari BPPN di saat bank-bank lain mengemplang utang. Namun, 12 koperasi sebagai pemegang saham Bukopin tidak sanggup memenuhi aturan rasio permodalan yang ditetapkan BI kala itu," ucapnya.

Pewarta: Sinta AmbarwatiEditor: Abdul Hakim Muhiddin Copyright © ANTARA 2024

LinkAja is a digital wallet from PT Fintek Karya Nusantara (Finarya) and has been registered at Bank Indonesia. Download LinkAja to fulfill your various financial needs, from transfers, paying for GOJEK/Grab, shopping at Tokopedia, buying fuel at MyPertamina, eating at McD, pay bills for PLN, BPJS and others. In addition, you can also activate LinkAja Syariah for more blessed financial services. With LinkAja you become PeDe #Apa2Bisa pay anything starting from: Easy to Top Up Balances • Top up balances can be done online through various bank networks such as HIMBARA (Mandiri, BRI, BNI, and BTN), BCA Mobile, Livin by Mandiri, BRIMO, BNI Mobile Banking, CIMB Niaga, Jenius, BSI Mobile and others. • You can also top up your LinkAja balance through modern retailers such as Alfamart, Indomaret, Circle K and others. Receive, Send and Withdraw Money • Through LinkAja you can receive remittances from anywhere, from government banks, private banks to government programs such as the Pre-Employment Card. • You can also send money to various banks, from HIMBARA, BCA, CIMB Niaga, BSI, and others. • You can easily top up your E-Money card via the NFC method with LinkAja. • Experience the convenience of cash withdrawals at HIMBARA ATMs with LinkAja. Easier Transaction on MyPertamina • Connect your LinkAja account in the MyPertamina apps for easy fuel payments (without admin fee for every transactions) and get attractive promos in it. Buy Prepaid Credit and Pay Postpaid Bills • Buy prepaid credit and data packages from various providers, ranging from My Telkomsel, Indosat Ooredoo, My XL, Smarfren and others • Pay postpaid and internet bills from various providers, starting from My Indihome, Telkomsel Postpaid, and others. Online Bill Payment – Electricity, PAM, Insurance, Gas, Taxes • You can pay various bills for various purposes such as PLN electricity (PLN Mobile), PAM/PDAM water, gas, BPJS insurance, and others. • You can pay various kinds of tax bills starting from E-Samsat, STNK, PBB, and others. • Paying for BPJS Health insurance, BPJS Employment, Mobile JKN is easier using LinkAja. Pay Easier To Commute • LinkAja is the only digital wallet that can be used on Grab and GOJEK for the convenience of ordering online motorcycle taxis or other features. • Pay for other transportation such as KAI Access, MRT, to buy tickets at Tiket. Com. Speedy Payment Using QRIS • The QRIS feature makes it easy for payments at favorite offline merchants such as McD, McDelivery, Kopi Kenangan, and others. Sharia Transactions • Activate the LinkAja Syariah service and experience a more blessed digital banking service according to sharia regulations, such as transfers, sharia mutual funds, to paying zakat, infaq, and alms. Check out Shopping Cart More Seamless • Checking out your shopping cart now at Tokopedia, Blibli, Bukalapak, Sociolla and other favorite marketplaces is even easier with LinkAja. • Ordering a meal on GoFood, GrabFood, and Digiresto is more convenient to pay using LinkAja. Easy Online Loans • Feel the easy experience of applying for an online loan at Kredit Pintar, UKU, Indodana, Pegadaian and others. • Installments range from 2 Months to 60 Months • Loan limits vary from IDR 600,000 to IDR 1,500,000,000 • Interest rates start from 0.80%/month to 7.5%/month. • Maximum annual interest rate (Max APR) 90% • Here is an example of a P2P lending loan simulation with product details: - Loan Amount IDR 600,000 to IDR 6,000,000 - Loan interest 0.22% to 0.25% - Choice of 2 to 6 months tenor Then the monthly installments are IDR 374,937 to IDR 1,250,000, the total loan payment is IDR 749,874 to IDR 7,500,000 Donate for Good • Set aside income through various donation institutions such as Kitabisa, Benih Baik, BAZNAS, Rumah Zakat, and others, just pay using LinkAja.

Uh-oh, haven’t been able to upgrade your LinkAja account to Full Service? Don’t worry, your second chance is here! ?Now, you can use your driver’s license as an additional document to upgrade to Full Service if you’re having trouble with your ID card. Easy peasy, right?Upgrade to Full Service now and unlock all of LinkAja's exclusive features and services!Hit the Update button now and get rolling! ??

Roses are red,Violets are blue.Our app's latest updateIs special just for you!All is fuss-free now!After topping up, you can update your e-money balance directly from LinkAja app.Oh, bugs have also been repelled. Another reason for you to update now, right?

A special gift for a special you!LinkAja is here to bring lots of happy news.Feeling uneasy due to issues with your number?Use Account Recovery feature, and all is well..Want to access Live Chat to find a solution?Access Live Chat from login page for less effort.Curious, yes? Update now, and experience the newest features in LinkAja right away!

Hi Sobat LinkAja!A special feature in our latest app version!A new feature to spread kindness.Now, you can donate while shopping.Make every transaction a meaningful act.Update now, do not miss out.Turn your transaction into your field of kindness!

Hi Sobat LinkAja!Have you ever failed to log in to your LinkAja account?Or… have you ever forgotten your PIN but unable to reset your PIN?Relax! All is well now…Now you can reset your PIN easily just by using your email!Hit the Update button above now so you can finally use your LinkAja account again.

There lived a young man named Praja. One day, Praja wants to cash in & cash out his LinkAja balance, so he rushes to the nearest Indomaret.Then, Praja wants to buy a phone credit using LinkAja app. On the confirmation page, he realizes there is a toggle feature to choose whether to use the bonus balance.Praja is even happier when he finds out that the OTP notification is now sent directly to his email.Try and enjoy what Praja experienced by updating your LinkAja application now.

Hi, Sobat LinkAja!Have you ever forgotten your password at urgent time? Worry not, now you can recover your account immediately through LinkAja app!In addition… In this new version, there are some new features and enhancements that we do solely to make you more comfortable with LinkAja! From the new appearance of our homepage, enhanced Inbox menu, to auto-fill payment code on Hemat Lengkap product!Curious, yes? Update your app now and experience a better version of LinkAja. :)

Hi, Sobat LinkAja!Have you ever forgotten your password at urgent time? Worry not, now you can recover your account immediately through LinkAja app!In addition… In this new version, there are some new features and enhancements that we do solely to make you more comfortable with LinkAja! From the new appearance of our homepage, enhanced Inbox menu, to auto-fill payment code on Hemat Lengkap product!Curious, yes? Update your app now and experience a better version of LinkAja. :)

LinkAja wishes you a Happy New Year! Hope you have had a great holiday and come back with renewed spirit in 2023!Thank you for using the LinkAja app and we hope to bring you more interesting updates in the future!Update the app now to experience a better version of LinkAja. :)

Something fresh-from-the oven is here!Not the all-new kind of thing,but surely is something exciting.Yes, we went through some sleepless night...All to make our app to shine bright.And finally the latest version is here to give you some delight!We improved the app experience in version 4.28. So let's update, shall we?

This time around we're bringing some tunes to your ears ?. Turn on your notification sound!Anyway... A lot of bugs also have been repelled too in this newest version. Update now, shall we?

Something fresh-from-the oven is here!Not the all-new kind of thing,but surely is something exciting.Yes, we went through some sleepless night...All to make our app to shine bright.And finally the latest version is here to give you some delight!We improved the app experience in version 4.26. So let's update, shall we?

Whoa... Time does fly.One or two years ago we were forced to do silaturahmi online,but now we can happily see each others' happy faces face-to-face!We're so happy to always be here for sobat LinkAja regardless of what happens. :)Because even though life likes to give us lemons, our relationship will always be as sweet as cinnamons. Hehe.Anyway... Update to the newest version now, shall we?

Whoa... Time does fly.One or two years ago we were forced to do silaturahmi online,but now we can happily see each others' happy faces face-to-face!We're so happy to always be here for sobat LinkAja regardless of what happens. :)Because even though life likes to give us lemons, our relationship will always be as sweet as cinnamons. Hehe.Anyway... Update to the newest version now, shall we?

It's already that time of the year!We're gonna use this space to wish everyone a blessed and a peaceful Ramadan.Let us be the one who provides everything you need - like paying zakat fitrah, infaq, shodaqoh - and be a part of your holy journey. Update the app now to experience a better version of LinkAja. :)Happy fasting!

So many things to do,yet so many obstacles in the way.But did you know,that LinkAja could help you with them all? Because we simply "apa-apa bisa". ;)Pay bills, food delivery, book a taxi, pay ojek online, shopping, pay tax - it's all one click away!Try it yourself?แล้วพบกันใหม่ รักษาสุขภาพ!(Read: see you and stay healthy!)

Hi, Sobat LinkAja!How are you? Hope you all are healthy, happy, and doing great despite of everything that's going on.Truth to be told, we don't have any big features or enhancements to be announced here. We just want to remind you to maintain your health and enjoy every precious seconds you have with your loved ones at home. :)That's all from us. Have a nice day!

We might be a little early, but...Spent a night with someone dear,Don't forget to order the wagyu.Merry Christmas and happy new year,From LinkAja to you!We have prepared lots and lots of presents on the newest version of the app. From A-Z, it's all there for you!Curious much? Update LinkAja app now and let us know what you think about the presents!

Whoa, public places are now open to visit!But before you enter, make sure that you scan the PeduliLindungi QR code with LinkAja app. Yes, you heard it right - you can scan it using LinkAja, making it easier than ever!Always remember to follow health protocols and don't forget to update LinkAja to the latest version to feel the hassle-free experience!"

Whoa, public places are now open to visit!But before you enter, make sure that you scan the PeduliLindungi QR code with LinkAja app. Yes, you heard it right - you can scan it using LinkAja, making it easier than ever!Always remember to follow health protocols and don't forget to update LinkAja to the latest version to feel the hassle-free experience!

I know I ask quite a lot of permission access for you to use the app, but trust me, it's for your greater good. I don't want you to face any struggle when you're about to make a payment using QR, or even a hassle when buying pulsa because you can't remember the phone number.So, don't hesitate to give LinkAja all the permission because your privacy shouldn't be any of my interest. I promise it will only be used to make your in-app experience better! Update to the latest version now?

I know I ask quite a lot of permission access for you to use the app, but trust me, it's for your greater good. I don't want you to face any struggle when you're about to make a payment using QR, or even a hassle when buying pulsa because you can't remember the phone number.So, don't hesitate to give LinkAja all the permission because your privacy shouldn't be any of my interest. I promise it will only be used to make your in-app experience better! Update to the latest version now?

Something fresh-from-the oven is here!Not the all-new kind of thing,but surely is something exciting.Yes, we went through some sleepless night...All to make our app to shine bright.And finally the latest version is here to give you some delight!Update, update, update.

We knew your desire to eat snacks increases since you work from home,And we did something for it. Enjoy LinkAja as the new source of fund in your favorite food delivery apps!So now it's easier to order, easier to pay. Stay at home, stay healthy, and eat a lot of good food by ordering it through 'ojek online' apps and pay for it with LinkAja! Update now?

We knew your desire to eat snacks increases since you work from home,And we did something for it. Enjoy LinkAja as the new source of fund in your favorite food delivery apps!So now it's easier to order, easier to pay. Stay at home, stay healthy, and eat a lot of good food by ordering it through 'ojek online' apps and pay for it with LinkAja! Update now?

Roses are red,violets are blue.Our app is getting improved,because we care about you! <3As an act to show how deep is our love to you,here we present the 'sweetened' version of LinkAja with all the bugs repelled.We let the bugs bid a forever goodbye to you,So you would be impressed!Ready to experience the sweetness of LinkAja's newest version by clicking 'update' up above?

A few weeks have passed in 2021, yet we still want to remind you to keep disinfecting your personal place regularly.Not only your personal space, all apps that you're using also need to be disinfected.But leave the job to us! Because in LinkAja, we regularly 'disinfect' all areas in the app so you could bid a farewell to the irritating bugs.Who likes having bugs around? We know you don't. That's why we do it!So, ready to enjoy the bug-free experience? Update now!

A few weeks have passed in 2021, yet we still want to remind you to keep disinfecting your personal place regularly.Not only your personal space, all apps that you're using also need to be disinfected.But leave the job to us! Because in LinkAja, we regularly 'disinfect' all areas in the app so you could bid a farewell to the irritating bugs.Who likes having bugs around? We know you don't. That's why we do it!So, ready to enjoy the bug-free experience? Update now!

Here we are, at the 2020 finish line.Though the year was unpredictable, let's finish it with a smile.The start of 2021 is right around the corner.We hope this year's lesson will make us even stronger!And here is the newly updated version, With the exact same mission,To help you in the right direction.Because no lights and no internet connection on Christmas & new year's eve won't be good, right?And that's when LinkAja comes as a knight < 3So, update to 4.14 now?

Untuk kalian yang selalu pakai masker dan jaga jarak kalau bepergian,Ini aku kasih LinkAja versi terbaru buat kamu. Dengan kekuatan developer, versi terbarunya bikin kamu makin gampang beli pulsa, kuota internet dan token listrik di LinkAja.Beli/bayar yang lainnya juga jadi lebih mudah dan mulus di versi ini. Cobain, deh!Update sekarang, yuk. Nanti kabarin aku ya kalau kamu suka hadiahnya!

Do you know the best way to kill bugs?Besides making your home smell wonderful, peppermint oil is believed to naturally repel them. But wait, have you heard of LinkAja's developer team?All bugs that live here at LinkAja are so afraid of them, they're gone at the moment they step in. The best one we have to get rid of all the bugs!Prove it yourself by updating to 4.11.Update now?

All 'easy accesses' are here.And have been well-prepared for every single one of you.But, do you know what 'easy access' that makes it special on this version?Yup - Layanan Syariah LinkAja!It's now easier to find, easier to activate.Update now to 4.10?

Do you know the best way to kill bugs?Besides making your home smell wonderful, peppermint oil is believed to naturally repel them. But wait, have you heard of LinkAja's developer team?All bugs that live here at LinkAja are so afraid of them, they're gone at the moment they step in. The best one we have to get rid of all the bugs!Prove it yourself by updating to 4.9.Update now?

English:To every single one of you who still fight this pandemic hard since day one, we have your presents ready: New menus where you can search & find1. cool online events to make yourselves productive while being #dirumahaja2. fresh daily needs from the nearest market, so you can shop while still being #dirumahajaSounds fun, right?!Psst, they're only available in LinkAja 4.8. So, update now?

This year's Hari Raya will be different without families around..But, sending them virtual hugs and 'virtual THR' will be enough to show how much you love them! Wait - did we say THR? You hear us right! We have special gift cards ready for you to send to your loved ones as THR. Yaay!Have a blessed Eid, everyone <3And don't forget to update to 4.7.1 !

An appreciation post dedicatedly written for all the front liners out there - be it doctors, janitors, security officers and everyone involved: you guys rock!We promise to keep doing all our activities #dirumahaja. We will make sure the lights never go off and the internet connection is always stable by paying all the bills #PakeLinkAja. Hehe.Do everything #PakeLinkAja while #dirumahaja is all possible! Plus - the app is now enhanced so you will be happy to use it. <3Update now?

Do you know what ~we~ do while you fight all those germs? We fight too. Not only germs, but also: bugs! We love you this much so we make sure that your experience on #PakeLinkAja during this hard time is unbothered with all the nasty bugs. A quite reasonable reason to update your LinkAja app to version 4.5, yes? Update now! And please: don't forget to wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds and stay healthy! <3

Let's take a moment of silence and pray for the strength that we all need to fight this Covid-19 pandemic.Regardless of this terrible event, we still have a good news to share!A lot of features have been improved and we got rid of all annoying bugs so you could still #PakeLinkAja seamlessly while social distancing. This news does put a little smile on your face, doesn't it? :">Don't forget to update to 4.4!And pretty pretty please: stay safe, stay hydrated, stay healthy. <3

Enhancement/enˈhansmənt/(n.)an increase or improvement in quality, value, or extent.As Oxford dictionary has explained above, this is what LinkAja 4.3 offers you.Not only one, two, but a lot of it!Wanna know which part of the app that's enhanced?Update now.(PS: we still love you. That's why all bugs have been repelled too <3)

Psst, let us tell you that,- Use your smartphone to pay for KRL- Invest professionally yet easilyare ALL possible in LinkAja 4.2!Don't miss out. Update now.

Psst, let us tell you that,- Use your smartphone to pay for KRL- Invest professionally yet easilyare ALL possible in LinkAja 4.2!Don't miss out. Update now.

We have arrived in the midmonth.Where we used to hold ourselves back from buying things.But not anymore - because LinkAja lets you to shop now, and pay for it later.Exciting, right?Bugs have also been repelled. Another reason for you to update to 4.1!Update now?

- Pay for transports only by doing easy, peasy steps- Buy roaming plans for a pleasant overseas trip- Buy various types of insurance for extra protection, anywhere anytime- Top up Electronic Money Card directly from the app

- Pay for transports only by doing easy, peasy steps- Buy roaming plans for a pleasant overseas trip- Buy various types of insurance for extra protection, anywhere anytime- Top up Electronic Money Card directly from the app

- Pay for transports only by doing easy, peasy steps- Buy roaming plans for a pleasant overseas trip- Buy various types of insurance for extra protection, anywhere anytime- Top up Electronic Money Card directly from the app

WHAT'S NEW ON APPS:- Bug Fixes- Performance Improvements

WHAT'S NEW ON APPS:- Improved interface for send money feature for a better experience - Better experience on full service account upgrade process- Service & performance improvements

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